Build your luck
Build your luck, where are the foundations ?
The site is the web place where folks can find the expression and substance of the concept "savings helper" supporting the Android app in construction. The personalized Do-G-Phone connection tool should become people's monetary datum inductor for the money processment into Google's Computorial Cloud Structure.
If you want to build your fortune, then let Do-G-Phone's PSH - Personal Savings Helper to build up your luck by data-valuation on your personalized space at WUW's Ledger for Identity and Access Management (IAM).
Personal Savings Helper app generates force to it owner to achieve better economic performance empowering you for the creation of dynamic digital savings properties, singular monetary data personalized digital objects (Owndated Webquantum) that moove adding value as time go or impulsed by your action at TOM The Time Owned Market linked to your "webcashaccount" displayables values in 7 dynamic counters for Bid & Ask evaluation.
These owner's created digital objects are accounted on moment titularity and go live processables in all the 4 money parts being the 4 sets of data (1-monetary, 2-financial, 3-taxmatic, 4-spiritual) using Google's Cloud Structure technologies and are equivalents to US 10.- dollars/each 1 O.W. (Owndated Webquantum) and expected as US Fed digital dollar 1 O.W.= 10.- UUS$$.
Now it's important to remember :
- data-valuation is a reversible action of shift money from credit asset into digital property asset (each Owndated Webquantum = 1 UUS$$ = US$ 10,- fiat) ;
- the action is reversible to the digital savings creation start point, as guarantee of recours at any moment ;
- the action goes in #cashkeeping phase, it results being in #webcashmatic mode which tax obligations are payed ex-source in mode #webtaxmatic verified by Tigta. (Tigta related useful info).
Where is your digital land, your luck space ?
Sure you do use your next Do-G-Phone to make savings and to create dollar digital UUS$$ (universocial digital US$) by shifting the fiat Fed's US$.
Because that's the way to get #webcashmatic results each 24 hours.
Make digital savings to manage and guide your money maded sensitive in a personalized Internet space where you can build your luck.
Yes, your progressive luck made dynamic by monetary on your self demarked space that expands each time you create 1 digital UUS$$ - Universocial digital US dollar.
How can you do, what tools, what ingradients to infuse time into the money body ?
1. Registration at WUW's Ledger for Identity and Access Management (IAM) ;
2. Confirmation, downloadable app code execution ;
3. Starter of PSH-Personal Savings Helper accounting test
4. Kick off action by trigger smart contract BPaaS algorithm run.
Look #googledepending's solving-for-folks all their Needs and Wants by W4 Algorithmical Do-G-Phone.
Do-G-Phone could be people's monetary datum inductor for it processment into Google's Computorial Cloud Structure.
Now it's important to remember :
- data-valuation is a reversible action of shift money from credit asset into digital property asset ;
Build your luck by Do-G-Phone
You are at the web place where you find the expression and the substance of the concept "savings helper" supporting the Android app in construction on standards #googledepending to run by cloud computing of the WUW's algorithm that enables you for better economic performance without investment, without risks, costs free. Yes, your Business Process as a Service makes you achieve cash results by algorithmical extraction of wealth from your digital land. Because of it works at the same time over all the body of your personlized digital dynamic savings reaping 1. monetary results, 2. financial results, 3. taxmatic results and 4. spiritual results. All while time runs.